
Fertigation technique

Conventional fertilizer application method

Uniformity of fertilizer application

Distribute the dissolved urea more evenly throughout the wetted root zone, with less labour

Intensive, time consuming and do not provide proper fertilizer placement on ratoon fields.

Area fertilized per day

Depend on the area to be irrigated/day

Using fertilizer applicator, only 100 feddan/10 hours a day.

Tractor horsepower required for application of the fertilizer.

Lowest fuel consumption and energy were required only to transport the fertilizer storage tank once.

Fertigation leads to saving of tractor horse-power and operation cost and time.

Broadcasting of fertilizers in separate operations represented an inefficient use of tractor power and time.

The broadcasters required only partial power to operate the metering mechanism (0.05 kW). The weight of filled fertiliser hoppers added 1.68 kW to the rolling resistance of the tractor. Maximum power for a broadcaster was therefore around 1.73 kW. This almost means that the power of the tractor was only utilized to transport itself across the field.

Incorporation and covering of the applied fertilizer

This operation is not required accordingly, more energy and power were saved.

The average output/10 hours a day when using the rigid Tyne cultivator is about 30 feddan. This operation required about 12.32 (kW-h)/ha